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bloodlust ( a tale of a dangerous love)

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bloodlust ( a tale of a dangerous love) Empty bloodlust ( a tale of a dangerous love)

Post by _-=[xxxshinxxx]=-_ Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:08 pm

bloodlust ( a tale of a dangerous love)

some of the sentences and paragraphs of this story might be gramatically wrong. I'm sorry. pero this is just the draft of what i'm going to pass so di pa po siya naeedit.
sori po...
but hope you'll enjoy reading it


have you ever fell in love with someone who was far dangerous to be with you? I did. I fell in love with someone exquisite yet odd,someone whom i might consider a mistake,someone who doesn't know how to love...

I fell in love with xander...
My bloody prince of hell...
My devil yet an angel...
my everything...

and our story...
a tale of hatred and love between underworld and the world on which i stand.


I never imagined that my life would change drastically because of one single dream, a dream that made my body shiver, a dream that made my heart stop and yet still yearning to beat, a dream that made me wish… I’m still needed. That he still needs me…

I held my breath as much as I could. Grasping for air in like every second. My heart tightens as if I could lose every air that I was trying to breathe. It seems endless. I want to shout his name but my throat seems dry. I couldn’t even cry for help nor say his name out loud. He’s there watching at me, looking at me, and as if telling me I left him alone. He stands there on that cross at the peak of the ruins of an old church that was 3 storeys and was about 30 ft. high. The church holds the same nature of churches seen in gothic architecture. From where I stand, I could see his luminous eyes glinting in anger and passion as he looked towards me. His eyes were stained on that bloody red color. He is wearing his usual cloak washed with red sticky liquid. A cross black pendant clings on a silver chain was wrapped around his neck. His long black hair danced through the cold air that brushed his and my body. His pale white color and red lips made me dazzled. His feature was perfect for this dark red-purplish sky. This is not the last time I’ll see him, for this is the start of his revenge.

Fire started flickering around me. Houses were burning and everyone was shouting. They were running in every corner they thought would be safe. Children were crying in pain yet I couldn’t take my eyes of him. All I could do was to hear and to watch those people. I couldn’t even move my body to help them. I’m just there looking at him. I stared at him with my cold eyes. I know he could perceive me easily and see that my eyes were filled with fear and agony. How could I ever make him stop this? I’ m certain that he can easily put off the fire if he wanted to. He never used his power to hurt civilians and innocent people like this one. I’ve always thought that his manipulation of fire was truly a gift. I never did understand that his power reflects him as well, for a fire once started would never be easy to extinguish.

“You’re still the same as ever, Giselle…”he whispered in a tone that was as cold as his stare.

At a blink of an eye, he’s there standing in front of me…touching me…caressing my face from my eyelids, down to my nose, and down to my lips. I shut my eyes tight. I don’t want to see his eyes nor his face. I want to kill the feeling I have within his touch. I want to run away far from his reach. He lowered his face down at me. I could already feel his cold lips on mine, and his fangs by the tip of my tongue. All I could do was focus on what he’s doing to me. I’m aware of what’s happening around me, of what’s going on, of how many people are going to die if I don’t do anything; but at that moment, I don’t care what happened on those around me. I’m vulnerable and fragile in his arms and he knows it too well.

“Sweet dreams Giselle, you’ll never remember me…”he said with those voice filled with sweetness that I longed to hear. I looked at him with confused eyes. Why would he say those words on that kind of tone? Why do I have this feeling that he would leave me?

He raised his right hand and placed it on top of my eyes. I shut my eyes involuntarily.

you’ll never remember me… I could hear his voice replaying on my mind. His voice was now slowly fading away. I was trying to open my eyes but I couldn’t. I don’t want to forget him for he’s all that I have. My mind went blank as my memories of him fade away.

“I love you Xander…….”

Posts : 208
Join date : 2009-10-04

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