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even though its hard to make it work ,,we did it

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even though its hard to make it work ,,we did it Empty even though its hard to make it work ,,we did it

Post by _-=[xxxshinxxx]=-_ Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:04 pm

even though its hard to make it work ,,we did it
by Nirvana

me and my boyfriend met 7 monthes ago in a chat room , we were talking only as friends , and i was with another guy , but i wasnt madly inlove with him , it was the kind of relation ship when u think that you are inlove but actually u dont have anything in common with ur partner ..but i was kinda bored with my own life just like him , so we didnt realize that we are wasting time by lying to our selves that we are inlove ,i used to talk with my bf back then as a best friend, i used to tell him everything happens whether in my life or with the guy i was inlove , and after a while i broke up with that guy , and my bf kept telling me at that time that its ok , and tried his best to make me feel better , and he always kept telling me that you cant control who you love it just happenes, you suddenly realize that you have alot of things in common with someone and you feel that you want to be always with him and try everything with him ,,and he said so many other sweet things to me about love that i was amazed of the way he thinks of love .
after that i started realizing how much i love talking to my bf , and how much i enjoy sharing things with him , and i love to hear his ideas and the way he thinks about everything ..
so one day , he asked me if i ever think about him in a different way other than a best friend , i never thought i would have to answere a question like that cos i wasnt sure my self from the answere ,so i asked him to give me some time to think about the answere, i didnt want to mess everything up by saying that i dont think about him in any other way , in the meantime, i didnt want to make him think that i love him in another way , i was afraid that if i find out later that i am not it would breake his heart .
at that time ,, he said that he has the chance to come to where i live for a visit , and i was extremly surprised with what i heared and so much happy as well,, i didnt tell him my answere yet for that question and he didnt push me to answere either ,,
when i first so him face to face, we gaved each other a very friendly hug , which was the moment for me to realize how much i love him and that i want to hold him for ever , at that moment , i said suddenly YES i do think about u more than a best friend , and he was as much as i surprised with what i said, then he looked deeply in to my eyes and said to me , I love you, and i never want to stay away from you ,we kissed each other at that moment , and it was like a magic kiss, we have been together since then , and we r one of the most happiest couples ever .

Posts : 208
Join date : 2009-10-04

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