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====Endlessly ====

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====Endlessly ==== Empty ====Endlessly ====

Post by _-=[xxxshinxxx]=-_ Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:02 pm

by Annalisa

As boundless as the sea. As eternal as a flame burning in the distance. As endless as the night sky and all its stars. This, is my love.

It was late October and the cold weather blowing outside found me huddled in my chair in front of the computer. I was downloading songs off napster and browsing around in the chat rooms when one user started persuading me to exchange pictures with him. Not being one to fraternize with suspiciously persistent people, I refused. It was then that I received a private message from Joseph, he was poking fun at the guy in the chat room who was as he said “coming on to me”. We laughed and talked for quite a while till he had to leave for lunch. So we exchanged email addresses and said we,d keep in touch. I remember smiling to myself after he left.

I,ve talked to a few people via the internet but none had remained on my mind like Joseph. But I reminded myself that it was just trivial because of the circumstances, so when I hadn,t received an email from him, I tried not to let it bother me.

I,d been busy with school so I hadn,t been able to try to catch him on napster. I figured that I wouldn,t hear from Joseph again. I,m not going to lie and say that I wasn,t disappointed, because I was. A week passed and the moment the little box appeared on my screen, my eyes grew wide. It was him! I couldn,t believe he still remembered me. We talked and shared the news in our lives briefly, when he asked to exchange phone numbers. My breath caught in the back of my throat and I gave him my number. Something I never would have thought to do. When he called me for the first time, I laughed to myself. I had expected a western twang accent because he was in Dallas, Texas. But he didn,t, his voice was so masculine and disarming. I was entranced. The first words from his mouth were “Hey, what,s up?” I knew at this moment that he was someone who would be an amazing friend. Looking back, we know how easy it felt between us, everything seemed familiar. I truly felt like I had known him for years. It wasn,t surprising to either of us that we ended up having so much in common. I remember bringing up how many times the words “exactly!” and “I know!” came up in our conversations. Joseph,s personality was enticing and he never failed to put a smile on my face. We talked for hours, though it was as if time stood still.

In the following days, Joseph called me frequently. We talked about how different Americans and Canadians seemed to be. And we laughed at each other,s antics. In the back of my mind, I knew he was special. So when my parents changed our phone number, I was heart broken for the two weeks I hadn,t heard from him. One day, we caught each other on napster and I couldn,t hide it anymore. I was scared, but I confessed that I had missed him. He tells me now that he smiled at how I said it, I guess my nerves hindered my ability to make sense. When he called me later that day, we admitted that we had feelings for each other. My heart was beating out of control and I felt all giddy inside. I admitted that I had picked up the phone a dozen times only to dial halfway through his number and hang up. I was so nervous that he wouldn,t know who I was. That,s when he told me that every time his phone rang, he wished it would be me. I couldn,t believe I could feel so much for someone the way I felt for Joseph.

Later that day, I called him for the first time. I remember being so nervous, but as soon as I heard his voice, everything fell into place. We ended up talking forever. After I hung up with him, I called my best friend and told her to meet me in the computer lab on campus. I wanted to put together a film to surprise him. I had written a poem for him telling him how much I felt for him and that I truly believed that this was destiny. After viewing the film, he confessed that there were tears in his eyes… then he told me that he loved me. I told him that I loved him too and that I was just too afraid to tell him. Since that day, Joe and I have become so close I feel like for the first time in my life, I am complete. We officially became a couple on November 29th, and I love him more and more each day.

Joe isn,t like other guys I,ve met; I knew that from the moment we first talked. He is the most caring person I,ve ever known. We know everything about each other; trust is the ultimate virtue of our relationship. I can,t even begin to describe how blessed I feel to have Joe in my life. He,s always been there for me through thick and thin. I remember crying on the phone with him for the first time. I was so touched that he would let me open up myself like that and I honestly felt his arms around me that night.

Joe and I are soul mates. We can read each other,s minds and we finish each other,s sentences. I will never forget our moments together, singing on the phone, laughing till we cry, sharing dreams and sharing fears. He gives me hope in life, and each day that passes, I know, is a day that brings me closer to being with him. Though we are miles apart, our love is something that transcends distance and believing that what we have is so incredibly real, gives us the strength and faith to know we,ll make it. He will be moving up here this summer and we plan to move in together. I can only imagine how amazing this new beginning, this new life, will be with the man I love.

I am 18 years old and I have met the love of my life. Joe has captured my heart and my whole being. Each time he whispers in my ear late at night, I know he is my forever. He brings out the best in me, and gives me the inspiration to be the best I can be. Love comes in our lives unannounced, and it is our hearts, duty to hold on to this with both hands. Joe and I have this saying “endlessly”, when you love someone the way we love each other, it is unconditional, boundless, eternal, and…. Endless.

Baby, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being a part of my life, till the day we are together, close your eyes and dance with me. I will always be your “lady in red”.

Posts : 208
Join date : 2009-10-04

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